Denver Contractors to Put on Speed Dial
OK, let’s be honest: Finding a contractor you can trust kinda feels like hassle wrapped in overwhelm dipped in risk.
There’s the hassle of unreturned calls and emails.
The overwhelm of sorting through gobs of Google results.
The risk of getting ripped off or lousy workmanship.
We’ve got you!
Over the years, our clients have shared their go-tos with us, and we’re thrilled to pass them on to you!
One teeny tiny caveat here: We haven’t used every single one of these contractors ourselves, which means we can’t personally guarantee their work. So although they’ve been recommended to us by folks we trust, you should still do your due diligence:
Get multiple bids.
Verify they’re currently licensed, bonded, and insured.
Get everything in writing, including a lien waiver. (Lien waivers prevent subcontractors from putting a lien on your property if the lead contractor doesn’t pay them.)
Brick Repair/Masonry/Tuckpointing
Brick Specialists denverbrickspecialists.com James 303-875-6111
Artisan Brickwork LLC artisanbrickwork.com 720-217-4836
Chimney Jack chimneyjack.com 303-922-2252
Lance Burnett 303-947-7474
Carpet Cleaners
Zero Rez zerorez.com
Organic Maids organicmaids.com
Dry Wall Installation/Repair
Drywall Finishing and Paint Interior Services drywallfinishingeandd.com
The Wall Rebuilders wallrebuilders.com
Fireplace Supply/Repair
Rocky Mountain Stove & Fireplace rockymountainstove.com
Stylistic Hardwoods: Shawn Roberts 303-523-5867 facebook.com/stylistichardwoods
Garage Door Installation/Repair
Local First Garage Door Service localfirstgarage.com
Urban Handyman urbanhandymandenver.com
Home Inspectors
Inspection Connection inspectionconnectioncolorado.com
Home Organizing
Demessify demessify.com
Haberdashery Denver facebook.com/MelissaCrowderHaberdasheryDenver
HVAC (Heating & Cooling)
Walrath Mechanical Co. walrathhvac.com
Sure Fire HVAC buildzoom.com/contractor/sure-fire-hvac
Insurance (Home, Car, Umbrella, Liability)
Colorado Insurors coloradoinsurors.com/
Denver’s Best Insurance Inc. | Allstate agents.allstate.com/denvers-best-insurance-inc-denver-co.html
Interior Design
Brayton Interiors braytoninteriors.com
Keystone Consulting keystoneconsulting.me/about
MCE Excavating and Landscaping 720-327-1828
5280 Trees 5280trees.com
The Green Fuse Landscape greenfuselandscape.com/
Julio Ballesteros -Bright Mountain Landscape 720-229-8274
Christine Davis Landscape 303-725-2912
Ivy Street Design ivystreetdesign.com/ 303-320-0362
Grace Sotelo - Green Goddess Landscaping and Construction greengoddesslandscaping.com/ 303-288-4526
Lawn Service
Denver Lawn & Landscape denverlawnlandscape.com
Mortgage Lender
OnQ Financial: Brandi Siefkas onqfinancial.com/colorado/cherry-creek-office/brandi-siefkas
Outdoor Furnishings/Fountains/Garden Supply
Creative Living clden.com
City Floral cityfloralgreenhouse.com
Birdsall & Co. birdsallgarden.com
VIVAX Pros vivaxpros.com
Painting/Interior and Cabinets
Walls by Design - wallsbydesign.com
Pest Control
Evergreen Pest Solutions evergreenpestco.com/contact-us
McComb Plumbing plumbingservicedenverco.com
Your Water Care Company yourwatercarecompany.com
Green Plumbing Solutions yourgreenplumbingsolutions.com
Septic/Sewer Repair
Apex apexplumbing.com
Snow Removal
Dustin Bower 720-477-3088
Sprinkler/Irrigation Supply/Repair
Denver Best Sprinklers sprinklersdenver.com
Trash Disposal/Hauling
Junkman junkmanonline.com
Window Cleaning
Dustin Bower 720-477-3088
Who are we missing?
Have a recommendation to add to our list? Let us know!