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Sustainable Living in Denver (Without Feeling Overwhelmed and Guilty)

Before you read any further, do us a favor, would you?

Relax your shoulders. And your jaw. Now take a nice, full breath. 

Better, right?

So, how’d we know you needed that? We know because we’re human too, and we’re living in this same chaotic, messy world you are. 

We know how easy it is to get wrapped up in all the things. And our constant distractions certainly aren’t helping: dinging phones, buzzing computers, watches that alert us every time an email comes in. Even our refrigerators can talk to us now. Some of it’s important, but—if we’re being honest—some just isn’t. 

Regardless, it all makes it tough to focus on what really matters.

So how do we combat all that TOO MUCH? How, in the midst of all that STUFF, do we take better care of ourselves and our people—and even our planet? We create a sustainable lifestyle. 

Make little changes—from the inside, out.

Remember how good it felt to simply relax your shoulders? (Go ahead, do it again if you need to.) That was so satisfying because it was something close to you that you could actually control. The truth is, no matter what sort of mayhem’s going on around you, you can always make simple changes from the inside. And little changes can make a big difference. 

And when we say “little” changes, we mean it. Listen, we understand you probably WANT to take better care of yourself and our planet and all the wonderful people who live here. But HOLY MOLY all this “sustainability” stuff can be overwhelming. Where do you even begin? And how do you form habits you can stick with? And what if you accidentally blow up your kitchen while brewing your own vegan, organic soap? 

Yep, we totally get it. 

So we’re not about to add a bunch of chores, guilt you into going off the grid, or suggest any other radical lifestyle changes… like, you know, training for a marathon or something. (Gross.) (Unless you’re into that, in which case: GO YOU!) 

Instead, over the next few months we’re going to post some simple, doable ideas to help you tackle all that TOO MUCH. By the end, you’ll be able to create a lifestyle that works for you, for our planet, and for everyone who lives on it. 

Sure, there’s deep breathing. But there’s so much more.

Over the next five months we’ll be bringing you all sorts of goodies: tips, ideas, interesting tidbits, and easy-to-follow action steps for making your life a bit more sustainable. And—just because we like you—we’ll be giving away a little something with each post. You’ll have to stick around to find out exactly what those freebies are. 

Here’s a sneak preview of what’s coming:

Sustainability is good for everyone.

OK, one final time just for good measure: Deep breath in and out. Shoulders down. Jaw unclenched. 

Simple, right? Start from the inside, and work your way out for a sustainable life that’s good for the planet—and for you, too. We can’t wait to tell you more!

Wanna chat?

We LOVE talking with our Denver real estate clients about all things sustainability. Wanna hop on a call?