Dwell Denver

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Sunday Funday: Walk from LoHi to Voodoo Doughnuts

Today’s Sunday Funday is a journey. A journey through the heart of Denver. If you really want to put your finger on the pulse of how incredibly awesome our city is, follow along on our urban adventure. Our love of the maple cream-filled donuts would leave us in a weight management crisis if we hadn’t have figured out how to make them much harder to get to. Let’s walk to Voodoo!

Here are the details:

  1. From our house in LoHi to Voodoo Donuts, it’s 3.12 miles each way. When walking almost 6.5 miles, round trip, for a donut, we don’t feel so bad chowing down. We head down the hill, across the bridge over I-25, across the bridge over the S. Platte River, across the Millenium Bridge over the railroad tracks, and drop down onto the 16th Street Mall. This is our favorite part! We love the characters, diversity, liviness of folks we encounter on the Mall. When we get to Broadway, we hang a left onto E. Colfax, walk past the Capitol Building and up several blocks. It usually take about 3 hours, round trip.

  2. Remember to bring cash. Lord knows you don’t want to show up after a walk like this with no cash money in your pocket. There is an ATM but we’ve gotten all the way there before without cash or an ATM card. #rookiemistake

  3. When you arrive, be prepared to stand in line. We’ve done this trip at pretty much every waking hour of the day and there is. Always. A. Line. We’re not deterred, however. The anticipation is high, we’re running on endorphins from the walk, and it moves really quickly.

When you decide that an urban hike is preferable to a mountain hike, this is the one we recommend.  Take it slow, soak in the sights and sounds, and enjoy your treat even more when you know you’ve worked for it.  If you decide to Lyft or scooter home, no judgement there. We do it all the time!

Photo: Copyright VooDoo Doughnut Facebook Page

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