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5 Reasons to Get a Smart Thermostat

So, first the bad news… Heating and cooling your home is pretty sucky for the environment. Our HVACs release a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, especially if they’re not in tip-top shape. And all that CO2 contributes to air pollution and climate change.

Basically, the more we use our HVACs, the more we’ll need our HVACs in the subsequent hot and cold extremes caused by our climate crisis.


But here’s the good news… A smart thermostat can keep you comfy at home while also decreasing your carbon footprint!

FREEBIE ALERT!!! Keep reading - you’ll be glad you did!

What’s a Smart Thermostat?

Programmable thermostats are ones you can program to meet your daily heating and cooling needs depending on your schedule. For example, when you’re at the office, you probably don’t need the AC blasting at home. You can input your schedule into a programmable thermostat so it won’t waste energy heating and cooling an empty house.

Smart thermostats take those same features to the next level. A smart thermostat can learn your patterns and program itself to decrease energy use at certain times. You can also adjust settings, see usage data, and view cost savings from your phone.

They’re somewhere between Jetsons-level cool and slightly creepy, right? But at the end of the day, smart thermostats are more convenient for you and healthier for our environment.

How Smart Thermostats Help Mama Earth

Heating or cooling a building using nonrenewable energy results in greenhouse gas emissions. So, unfortunately, the best way to decrease your HVAC’s environmental impact is to use less heating and cooling.

But smart thermostats can be your happy medium between being comfy in your home and helping planet Earth.

Project Drawdown estimates that if everyone switched to smart thermostats, about 7 gigatons of CO2 would be reduced in our atmosphere. For you nerdy types, one gigaton is 1 billion metric tons. That’s 2.2 trillion pounds.

Here’s how smart thermostats do that good work.

# 1 Smart thermostats learn your schedule.

Smart thermostats study your behavior—like when you’re home and when you’re not—and adjust themselves. By leaving human error (and maybe a little laziness) out of the equation, smart thermostats basically program themselves to meet your heating and cooling needs in the most efficient way possible.

#2 Smart thermostats can adjust on the go.

Let’s say you get stuck at work (ugh) and won’t be home at your usual time. You can use your smart thermostat’s mobile app to prevent the AC from kicking on. This saves an hour or two of energy use that would otherwise be totally wasted. Less energy use = happier, healthier Earth!

 #3 Smart thermostats tell you when your system’s broken.

HVACs are even worse on the environment when they’re not running smoothly. If your furnace is broken, you’ll end up expending more energy to reach the toasty temperature you want. And all that extra energy is creating more CO2 that’s being dumped into the atmosphere. You’re left to either continue using more energy or turning off your HVAC until a technician can diagnose your problem.

Smart thermostats can diagnose themselves and send you a notification for exactly what’s wrong, giving you a leg-up on repairs. You’ll be back to full and efficient functioning sooooo much sooner than with a traditional thermostat. 

#4 Smart thermostats track energy usage.

You’re probably using your HVAC more than you realize. And knowledge is power, right? Smart thermostats track and deliver energy usage data right to your phone. By knowing the amount of energy you’re really using, you can adjust as you see fit. 

#5 Some smart thermostats monitor the weather.

The smartest of smart thermostats can monitor local weather reports and make changes to the temperature inside. If a January day is going to be unseasonably warm, your thermostat can adjust your heating! This helps you save money on heating bills and limits energy use. 

How to Choose the Right Smart Thermostat

To make the right choice for your unique needs, consider these four questions:

  1. How flexible is my schedule? Smart thermostats vary in their level of customization. If you have a different schedule for every day of the week, you’ll want to opt for a model that gives you all that flexibility.

  2. How fancy am I trying to get? Decide how many bells and whistles you want. Different models offer different options—touch screens, voice programming, maintenance reminders, weather-on-demand, self-learning features, and more. 

  3. Does technology frustrate me? If yes, consider a more basic smart thermostat. If you’re more of a tech genius, a fancier model might be right for you!

  4. Is it compatible with my current HVAC system? Not all HVACs are compatible with all smart thermostats. Take a good look at your unit’s specifications to save huge headaches when it comes time for installation. You can also contact a local HVAC technician to get the insider scoop on which smart thermostat to choose for your current system.

Want to win a Nest Smart Thermostat?

Drop your name below and we’ll let you know if you’ve won when we do our drawing next month.  What have you got to lose...except smart energy usage!

See this form in the original post

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