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Our Favorite Sustainable Products

If you’re anything like us, you get stuck in this all-or-nothing mentality when it comes to sustainability. Either you’re 100% zero-waste or what’s the point, right?

But the truth is, even tiny swaps can make a big impact on our environment. And if we all take tiny steps together, we can make an even bigger difference.

What might those tiny swaps look like? We’ll tell you in a sec. But first, a reminder…

It’s All About the Landfills

The best sustainable products and brands offer simple alternatives to stuff we’re getting really wrong for the environment. As humans, we absolutely suck when it comes to:

  1. Single-use plastics

  2. Food waste

  3. General trash production

We send literal tons of trash to our landfills that could otherwise be prevented or repurposed. 

Single-use plastics, like disposable water bottles, are wreaking havoc on the environment. They take forever to break down and, when they finally do, they release microplastics into our oceans. This not only combines with other waste to produce more toxic chemicals, but it also kills off vital marine life that sustains entire ecosystems.

Food waste is also a big environmental no-no. Food waste has a huge impact on our carbon and water footprints, land use, biodiversity, and our economy. It’s estimated that 1/3 of all the food we produce—about 1.3 billion tons—goes to our landfills. 

That not only wastes the energy used to produce the food, but it also creates greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. If we stopped wasting food, we could eliminate 6-8% of our carbon footprint. 

TL;DR: We send too much to landfills. And it’s killing our planet.

So here’s what we’re challenging you (and us!) to do: The next time you go to purchase a not-so-Earth-friendly product, make a swap for something more environmentally conscious.

 Here’s a little list to get you started on a better path.  

Our 9+ Favorite Sustainable Products

#1 Menstrual Cups

Ok, this might be a little TMI, but menstrual cups are #1 on our list with good reason.

First, you’ll never have to buy tampons or pads again! (Take that pink tax!) And, more importantly for this convo, those standard hygiene products won’t end up in our landfills.

One standard menstrual cup is equal to about three large tampons. So, over the course of Aunt Flow’s visit, you’re saving the Earth a dozen-ish tampons! And menstrual cups last for multiple cycles—even years. 

We love this one from Saalt, but make sure to do your research. Menstrual cups are not a one-size-fits-all product. 

#2 Hydroflasks

Instead of purchasing bottled water—or sticking to your cheap-o reusable one—invest in a Hydroflask. Their water bottles are stainless steel, meaning they’re BPA-free and easy to keep clean. They’re also vacuum-insulated, keeping your drink at its original temperature for hour after hour. They have plenty of ways to customize, from mouth sizes to carrying capabilities, so you get exactly what you want and need from a water bottle.

#3 Beeswax Wraps

Instead of using that tried-and-true cling wrap to save your meal preps or leftovers, try a natural alternative: beeswax wraps. They’re super flexible, easy to clean, reusable up to a year, and come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors! (Also? We met the inventor of beeswax wraps. She’s Canadian and she’s an absolute delight.)

#4 Reusable Food Storage Bags

Plastic food storage bags, like your trusty Ziplocs, count as single use plastics. Try making the swap to their reusable, silicon counterpart. Stasher makes great products, with all the sizes and colors you could want. Some are even freezer-safe, meaning you prolong the shelf life of your food and make a big difference for Mama Earth.

#5 Reusable Grocery Bags

You have enough plastic bags stashed under your sink. Next time, try the reusable bag route! Most grocery stores sell them, so you can pick up your first couple of bags right at check out. And don’t forget to get a couple extra to leave in your car. It’s better for the environment and some places even pay you to use them. It’s a win-win!

Pro-tip: Try to remember to use the same bags over and over instead of buying new ones. Turns out we have a cotton tote-bag crisis on our hands.

Pro-tip #2: Many stores have a bin for recycling all your plastic bags. Please, please don’t just pitch ‘em.

#6 Reusable Keurig Cups

Coffee lovers unite! In the early 2000s, the coffee world was rocked by the invention of the K-Cup. But the trend had a seriously bad impact on the planet. Now, you can find reusable k-cups that last forever as opposed to their single-use sisters. Let’s keep coffee to ourselves and out of the landfills, yeah? 

#7 Mesh Produce Bags

You know what feels illegal but isn’t? Not using a produce bag for your tomatoes, bell peppers, and cucumbers! But if you insist on using a bag, try these mesh ones! They’re perfectly produce-sized and are so much better for the environment than the plastic ones in the aisles.

#8 The ChomChom Roller

OMG this thing is life-changing. Got some furry friends at home? Are you constantly taking them with you to work, school, dates, and the grocery store via the hair that covers every inch of your clothing? Look no further than the ChomChom Roller!

The ChomChom is a reusable roller that immediately picks up all the pet hairs you can (and can’t) see. Say goodbye to paper-based lint rollers that, TBH, don’t even work that well. And say hello to a more sustainable way to de-shed your favorite black attire!

#9 Package Free

OK, Package Free isn’t really a sustainable product. It’s a whole bunch of them all in one place! Here you’ll find a collection of brands that give people better access to sustainable products and resources. They’ve got everything from home and health to comprehensive zero waste kits.

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