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Life in Denver: Wash Perk

In today’s Life in Denver, we find ourselves Wash Perk in Denver’s West Wash Park neighborhood. It’s one of our favorite spots to visit with a good book. With a heavy supply of caffeine, it’s easy to blow an entire day at Wash Perk!

Here’s what we love about Wash Perk:

  1. Coffee. Conversation. Community. Because it’s nestled right in the heart of the West Wash Park neighborhood, residents use it as a meeting space, workspace, and community hang out with the throughline being the amazing coffee

  2. They serve delicious baked goods, breakfast burritos and other treats. Not only can you wet your whistle, but you can also fill your belly.

  3. The atmosphere is so relaxing and easy going, it’s easy to feel comfortable getting cozy and settling into a project on your computer or a catch-up session with a friend!

Next time you’re in West Wash Park or finishing a lap around Washington Park, stop by and say hi to the wonderful folk at Wash Perk: 853 E Ohio Ave, Denver, Colorado 80209. WashPerk.com. 720.542.9202

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