How to Hire a Good Buyer’s Agent

When it comes to selling a home, people typically hire a real estate agent to help them through the process. (Or they try to DIY it for a hot minute and then hire some help.)

But when people are ready to buy a home, they often try to wing it… or they choose the first agent they can find. 

Big mistake.

We get it. Since you’re not responsible for your agent’s commission (that’s on the seller), it seems like it shouldn’t matter who you work with.

But it matters a whole lot. We’re here to tell you why.

What’s a Buyer’s Agent (And Why Do I Need One)?

A buyer’s agent is a licensed, professional real estate agent working on your (the buyer’s) behalf. They officially represent you in all aspects of your home buying process, from showings to sealing the deal.

In today’s suuuuuuuuper competitive market, a buyer’s agent can make a huge (HUGE!) difference. The more experienced they are, the more likely you are to close on your dream home.

Now, we know what you’re thinking: Okay, but isn’t Zillow enough to find and tour homes I like? And I’ll have a mortgage lender to do the rest, right?

First things first, Zillow isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Sure, it’s fun to use. But it’s not all that functional. 

Second, OMG a buyer’s agent can do so much more for you than set you up with showings! In fact, that might be the least important part of a buyer’s agent’s job. 

Here’s what else you get:

Immediate Access to Listings

Agents have a really strong internal database of available homes in your area and beyond, and often they can get you access to listings before they’re officially on the market. Plus, a great buyer’s agent will have a step-by-step strategy to help you find and buy a home you can’t wait to live in. 

Also, they’ll be super conscious of your budget, only showing you homes that tick all the financial boxes. When you go it alone, you’re much more likely to push outside your price range, which causes big disappointment and/or stress.

Smart Offers and Skilled Negotiations

Especially in the Denver real estate market, you need to craft a can’t-be-refused offer. Without an agent, you’re unlikely to do that. 

And unless you’re an attorney used to courtroom drama, you’ll probably want some help in a bidding war or intense negotiations. A good buyer’s agent lives for that stuff!

Expert Experience

An experienced buyer’s agent should know this process like the back of their hand. Especially for first-time home buyers, they can be an exceptionally valuable resource to always have in your back pocket.

Stellar Recommendations

A buyer’s agent should be with you for the homebuying process and beyond. Need a general contractor to do some upgrades? They’ve got you covered. Want to refinance? They know a gal. 

Your real estate agent should have a strong working relationship with tons of people in the community, all ready for you when you need them. Here’s our list.

Paperwork Management

From offer paperwork to closing documents, buying a home is just one big pile of dead trees. Having an expert in your corner—who can translate all the real estate and legal jargon and get your signatures sent off in time—is a huge advantage in the homebuying process. 

How to Hire a Great Buyer’s Agent

Now that you know what to look for, how exactly do you secure an exceptional buyer’s agent? Think about these questions as you interview potential real estate allies:

#1 - How long have you been in the area?

Every real estate market has its quirks, so look for an agent who has extensive experience in the area you’re looking to buy in. Like, at least five years. That longevity is a signal that they know what they’re doing. (In fact, most agents fail within five years.)

When you go with someone who has years of experience in your market, they’ll be prepared for anythingand can walk you through every step with confidence.

#2 - What’s your negotiation philosophy?

Your agent needs to be a skilled communicator to get the job done on your behalf. Their answer to this question should be well-articulated and lay out a fearless approach to negotiating your offers and contracts.

#3 - What kind of support will I get from you?

Make sure they’re not the least-work-possible kind of agent. A stellar agent will be with you at every step, from showing to closing and beyond. They should be a real estate ally for life. And if they’re going to offer anything less, they’re not the agent you deserve.

#4 - What’s your preferred method of communication?

This question aims at their availability and communication style. For example, if you’re a real phone-call stickler and want to handle all business verbally, find a real estate agent who’s happy to do the same. Or, if phone calls make you a little anxious and you prefer to have everything in writing—like over text and email—your real estate agent should be able to accommodate.

#5 - Can I have some references?

Ask a potential buyer’s agent to provide some information on homes they’ve helped people purchase over the last year, preferably with some contact information for a few clients.

Then actually call them. 

Find out what their experience was like, what type of support they got through the process, and how negotiations felt to them. Ask if they’d hire the agent again for their next home purchase. If they say yes, you’re good to go.

Looking for a buyer’s agent? We know some folks.

We’re your people for all things real estate. And we can’t wait to meet you! Book a Discovery Meeting to tell us about your dream home, and we’ll tell you how we can make it happen.


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