3 Reasons You Need A Homeowner Binder

Dwell Denver Homeowner Binder

You wake up after a restless, thunderstorm-filled night. Groggily, you waddle to the kitchen for your first of many cups of coffee. You wonder what time it is, so you take a look at your fancy-schmancy microwave. 

It’s blinking 12:00 over and over.  

You try to reset the time, but just can’t figure it out. After several minutes of trial and error, you admit defeat and look online. Nothing. You cuss, and then root through the junk drawer looking for the manual. 

It’s nowhere to be found, of course. 

So you make your coffee, sit on the couch, and resign to live the rest of your life not knowing what time it is.

OK, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but here’s the truth: The longer you live somewhere, the quicker stuff seems to just disappear. Things like appliance manuals, paint swatches, and lightbulb wattages are like hidden treasure. So valuable, but impossible to find.

Here’s the solution: A big-ass binder.

If you’re not exactly a Type-A personality, a binder may sound like a ridiculous idea. Why not just throw everything in that trusty junk drawer? But hear us out.

A binder is the perfect way to stay organized and have all your homeownership details right at your fingertips when you need them most. Plus, it has plenty of space so you can add to it without it overflowing (like that pesky kitchen drawer).

So organization is the #1 reason to have a super-cool homeowner binder. But there are so many others…

Why You Need a Homeowner Binder (and How You Can Score One On Us)

#1 A homeowner binder is great for future homeowners.

When you sell a home, you’re required to disclose a bunch of information about the place: repairs you’ve had to make, age of your roof, water leaks, and more. 

Why not go the extra, extra mile and give the new folks literally everything you have about the property? Not only is this a great housewarming gift, but it also makes you and your home even more enticing to a potential buyer.

#2 Contractors will love you!

Say your fridge goes on the fritz. Or you’re upgrading and need some hired help. Or you want your kitchen repainted exactly the same color. With this binder, you’ll be a contractor’s dream client—because you can hand them all the deets they need to get the job done. And you won’t have to stress about something going wrong or the extra time a job takes when there are mysteries to be solved. Win-win!

#3 You’ll be prepared for the worst-case scenario.

It’s 3 am and your basement floods. Your roof caves in and ruins most of your belongings. It’s 110 degrees outside and your AC goes out. These inconveniences are already a huge pain in the arse. But, to make matters worse, now you have to spend time looking for that guy’s phone number you wrote down on a sticky note 6 months ago. 

A homeowner binder can save you loads of time and headaches. 

You can keep all the important names and phone numbers—insurance agents, landscaping services, HVAC contractors, plumbers—in one spot, ready for the worst-case scenario.

Again, you hardly ever need that stuff. But when you do? You need it right this minute. And all too often, that information never gets recorded and/or your hastily scribbled notes seem to disappear wherever socks go.

The Binder gives you one brilliant spot to collect all those goodies. Look at you adulting like a pro!

We love binders (and you) soooooo much, we’ll gift one to you!

Obviously, we think a homeowner binder is the best thing since sliced bread. And we want you to have one! Fill out your contact info below and we’ll be in touch about how to get this binder to you. Happy homeownership!


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