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Eco-Friendly Pet Ownership

Meet Blue, our new Frenchie buddy.

Blue is pretty great for laughs and cuddles and attracting attention anytime he’s out and about. Know what Blue is not great for? The planet. 

FREEBIE ALERT! Keep reading…(we know it’s a LOT of words, but it’ll be worth it).

Of course, household pets aren’t exactly on the level of methane-gas-belching bovines, but they do have an environmental impact. From the energy used for manufacturing pet food…  to the contamination caused by abandoned, ahem, “contributions”… to waste bags packing our landfills… to the plastic packaging on all those dang toys they just have to have… it all adds up.

So what can we do? Well, we’re definitely not suggesting getting rid of our pets. After all, the health benefits of owning a pet can outweigh the environmental impact if we’re mindful of the choices we make. 

So here are a few simple ways to decrease the carbon footprint of your four-legged family members.

For All Animal Lovers

Feed wisely. Food manufacturing is of particular concern when it comes to pets and the planet. In fact, studies show up to one-third of the environmental impact of meat consumption in the U.S. can be attributed to dogs and cats

One option to combat the problem? Switch your pet to a vegan diet. If that seems a little extreme, opt for sustainably sourced, eco-friendly food brands. (Please talk to your vet before changing your pet’s diet.)

Choose carefully. Can’t decide between a gerbil or a great dane? Keep in mind that smaller animals generally have smaller carbon footprints. If you’re open to any type of pet, consider one that gives back—like raising chickens for eggs or goats for milk. 

Decrease plastic packaging and landfill waste by buying pre-loved pet products or borrowing from friends who no longer need them. You can also donate your lightly used pet products when you’re done with them. (You know, like when your furry friend refuses that plush, heated pet bed with memory foam and vibrating massage in favor of sleeping on top of you.)

If You Dig Dogs

No dog owner loves dealing with poop. But we all have to “doo” it. The most eco-friendly way to dispose of dog poo is to flush it down the toilet. If that’s not feasible, opt for biodegradable or compostable waste bags.

Whatever you do, don’t leave your dog’s waste sitting around where it can contaminate a water source or where someone else might step in it. 

Look for toys made of recycled plastic. We get it, dogs need like four hundred toys. If you’re not constantly giving your dog a new thing to rip apart in seconds, do you even love them? There are lots of great companies out there making eco-friendly toys from recycled materials.

Pamper your pooch with shampoos, detergents, and hygiene products made from natural ingredients that won’t contaminate our water. Look for ones free from chemicals, dyes, preservatives, and toxins. Not only are these better for our environment, but also they’re less likely to irritate your dog’s skin. 

If You Fancy Cats

If you have the space to store it, buy your kitty’s litter and food in bulk. This will cut down on your plastic consumption by reducing packaging, and it saves some green in your wallet as well. Win-win!

Speaking of litter, try using a natural, biodegradable version. There are lots of options: recycled newspapers, walnut shells, and more. You can also find biodegradable litter box liners and waste bags. 

And of course, we can’t forget about kitty toys! When picking toys for your feline friend, opt for those made of natural materials such as hemp or bamboo. Keep in mind, your fingers wiggling under a blanket can also provide plenty of entertainment for your cat and doesn’t require a trip to the pet store.

Ready for a fuzzy freebie?

Seriously, where would we all be without our pets? They’re our family, our best friends, our fuzzy therapists, and our endless entertainment. Our pets deserve our best. That includes taking care of our planet since they live here, too. 

FREEBIE ALERT! Congrats! You made it!

We want to help you love our earth while loving your pet. So we’re giving away a box from Pure Earth Pets to anyone who wants it. Just tell us where to send it, and it’s yours!


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Want to chat more? We’d love to hear about how funny your cat is. Need a bigger yard for your dog? We can help with that too. Book a Discovery Meeting and let us know what’s on your mind.