Dwell Denver

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Do you love Denver, too?

OK, but SERIOUSLY. How damn lucky are we to live in this incredible city?

The chill vibe.

The 300+ days of sunshine a year.

The trails: the hiking ones, biking ones, and—hello!—the beer one. #DenverBeerTrail

The fan-freaking-tastic food. Of every imaginable variety.

The sports. (If you’re into that kind of thing.)

The culture! The DAM, Molly Brown House, and ohmygoodess Red Rocks.

The mountain views.

And the wildly diverse neighborhoods and ‘burbs! 

As Denver real estate agents, that might be our favorite thing about Denver. Unless Brandi Carlile happened to be playing Red Rocks. Then it’d be a toss up. 

ANYHOO… we adore Denver’s every little nook and cranny, which is why we’ve started ramping up our Neighborhood Spotlights. Inside each post, we’ll give you a little history (but only a little), fill you in on what the locals have to say about their ‘hood, and then give you some reasons to get your booty over to visit. (Or to live. Your call.)

So just how many neighborhoods does Denver have?

Well, according to your super-smart friend and mine (Wikipedia), Denver has 78 official neighborhoods, at least 13 unofficial ones, and 25ish suburbs. 

It’s going to take us a hot minute to get to them all, and get to them all we shall. But we need your help.

What do you love about your Denver neighborhood?

In these Neighborhood Spotlight posts, we’d love to have actual humans share what they love about where they live. And by “actual humans” what we mean is … YOU!

If you’re game, head over to our Neighborhood Survey and answer a few questions. If you do, there’s a coffee gift card in it for ya.

In the meantime, we thought we’d hit you up with…

16 Random Facts About Denver

  1. You know this one already: Although Denver’s exactly a mile high, the city’s not actually in the mountains. But we can see a couple hundred peaks from here.

  2. Golf balls travel 10% farther up here. Baseballs go long, too.

  3. The guy who trademarked the cheeseburger was from Denver.

  4. The first permanent building in Denver was a saloon.

  5. These days, we brew more beers in Denver than anywhere else in the nation. (Take that, St. Louis. Anheuser who?)

  6. Denver seems youthful, but more Baby Boomers live here than in any other city.

  7. But all those Boomers must be in good shape, because we’re one of the “thinnest” cities in the U.S. 

  8. And Purina says Denver’s the healthiest U.S. city for pets.

  9. Yes, the capitol dome is real gold. 24K.

  10. According to the June 2021 market reports, the average Denver home price topped $700K for the first time ever. (Wanna know what your place is worth these days? Book a Discovery Meeting.)

  11. In Denver, it’s illegal to let your neighbors borrow your vacuum. 

  12. If you have a coin marked with the letter D, it was made right here at the Denver Mint—the largest producer of coins in the world. 70% of the coins produced here are pennies.

  13. Chipotle started in Denver.

  14. You know the 16th Street Mall? It’s made of 400,000 pieces of granite, and from above it looks like rattlesnake skin. I.M. Pei—the same architect who designed the Louvre in Paris—was part of the design team.

  15. Denver is the first-ever (and maybe only) city to say “no thanks” to hosting the Olympics (in 1976).

  16. Colfax Avenue is the longest commercial street in the U.S. It’s 26.5 miles long. 

OK, that was fun. Now don’t forget to take our survey!

Here’s the neighborhood survey link again. Thanks for your help!

Random Fact Sources (because we’re nerdy like that)





