Denver Contractors to Put on Speed Dial

Contractor with tools and clipboard at front door.

When you need a contractor—like an electrician, plumber, or drywaller—it can be really, really tough to find someone you can trust.

  • What if you hire someone and they do lousy work?

  • Or what if they do great work but charge you waaaay more than you expected?

  • Or what if they disappear mid-job?

  • Or leave your place a mess?

  • Or kick your dog or tell you who to vote for?

Let go of those what-ifs, friends! 

We have a list of tried-and-true contractors our clients have used over the years. 

Note: We can’t personally vouch for these folks, so no fair getting mad at us if you have a bad experience. Mkay? Mkay.

Now, here’s a hard-earned lesson: Start building a list of trusted service providers before you actually need them. The time to find a go-to plumber is not the morning your shower says, “No way, dude.”

Also, don’t limit your team to emergency-type services. Include all sorts of contractors, like the ones you’ll find on our list:

  • HVAC

  • Plumbing

  • Electrical

  • Lawn care/Irrigation

  • Roofing

  • Carpet cleaning

  • Garage door repair

  • Drywaller

  • Painter

  • Finish carpenter

Spread the word!

Who have you used that other folks should know about? Use this form to add ‘em to our list! These folks’ businesses rely on referrals from happy customers, so you’re doing them a solid by sharing their name—and you’re doing fellow Denverites a favor, too!



Life in Denver: Whittier Neighborhood


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