9 Tips for Sustainable Gift Giving

OK, friends… we love giving and receiving gifts. Like, LOVE IT. But this year we’re pausing to reflect on what all that stuff does to our planet.

As it turns out, the holidays aren’t that great for Mama Earth.  For example, we pitch 25% more trash between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day than any other time of year. That’s 25 million tons of garbage.


Fortunately, it’s easy to make a big difference!

How to Have a Greener Holiday Season

During this “season of giving,” consider giving back to the planet by following these simple tips.

#1 Gift services or experiences.

Gifting your services—time, energy, or expertise—requires little to no use of natural resources. It’s also super personable and memorable! Any parent would love a few hours of babysitting or meal prepping. Most homeowners would love an extra hand gardening or doing other household chores.

 Or, opt for online services:

  • Subscriptions to streaming music, movies, and TV shows

  • E-books or audiobook services

  • Digital magazine subscriptions

 Experiences also make great gifts because they create memories that last a lifetime. Think memberships or gift certificates to your local amenities: museums, rock climbing, art centers, sports events, and more!

#2 Consumables are the bomb.

Consider giving (and even making) consumable gifts this year. Things like bath bombs, baked goods, cleansers, beeswax wraps, candles, plants, and homemade compost don’t leave waste behind when they’re gone. 

And who in their right mind wouldn’t love some cookies this time of year? If you’re not that talented in the kitchen, try giving a collection of your favorite recipes for the recipient’s own DIY pleasure! 

#3 Go battery-free.

Traditional batteries are an environmental no-no. They create toxic solid waste and take forever to break down. They take so much more from Mama Earth than the energy they give. 

So this year, opt for anything battery-free. Especially for kids, battery-free gifts are great for the imagination (and usually quieter for the parents). If your gift requires batteries, include some rechargeable ones in the package.

#4 Forget the filler trinkets.

Yes, stocking stuffers can be fun to open. But you know what happens to all of those the next time someone purges their junk drawer? They get thrown out! 

Meaningful, long-lasting gifts are so much more fun than gag gifts you laugh at for 30 seconds, then toss in the garbage.

#5 Buy pre-loved.

You know the drill: Reduce, reuse, recycle. Take a trip to your local thrift store to find unique, one-of-a-kind gifts. Or search online marketplaces for second-hand gifts your loved ones want. People are always looking to get rid of their excess stuff. They, and the planet, will thank you!

#6 Give sustainability inspired gifts.

Gifts designed to encourage eco-friendly habits are also usually sustainable themselves. Consider a composting kit to give an avid home chef a spot for all their kitchen scraps. Give a set of cloth diapers or a gift certificate for a cloth diapering laundry service to the new parents in your life. For anyone still commuting to work, try reusable water bottles, drinking straws, or utensil kits.

#7 Buy from a Certified B Corporation.

Certified B Corporations “are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability.” 

Basically, they’re the best you’re going to get for impact on employees, communities, and the environment. From tech companies to engineering firms, these organizations go above and beyond for people and the planet. And by patronizing these businesses, you can, too! 

Check out this extensive Certified B Corporation directory

#8 Reduce your waste.

Did you know wrapping paper is not recyclable? EEEEK! 

Instead of wrapping paper, bows, cellophane, and other non-recyclable materials, wrap this year’s presents in newspaper. You needed something to do with all those Black Friday ads, right? 

Other ways to reduce wrapping and decorating waste include:

  • Reusing gift boxes, wrapping paper, ribbons, and gift bags from previous celebrations.

  • Repurposing other things around the house, like cloth napkins and pillowcases.

  • Ditching the tissue paper and any other unnecessary box-fillers.

  • Finding wrapping made from recycled paper.

 And if your gift is green, make sure the packaging is, too! Avoid products with lots of plastic packaging. Better yet, get the gift that has no packaging at all. And don’t forget your reusable shopping bags to replace the plastic ones at check out.

#9 Keep it local.

There are tons of reasons to shop local at small businesses. But on the sustainability front, you’ll be reducing the carbon footprint for:

  • Travel miles, getting the product from manufacturer to big box stores.

  • Processing, transporting, and packaging online shopping orders.

This is the year to get local and give local!

Don’t forget to gift yourself!

Give yourself the gift of long-term wealth with real estate. Book a Discovery Meeting today to chat with us about your financial goals (and how real estate can help meet them)!


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