9 Tips for Setting (and Keeping!) Intentions This New Year

New Year’s resolutions are A-W-F-U-L. We feel the pressure to become this new, more evolved person just because we’re flipping over the calendar. 

By February 27, when we’ve gone back to our old ways, we beat ourselves up and totally call it quits. Then, what do we do the next year? Yup… we do it all over again.

It’s a good time.

(It is not a good time.)

This year let’s ditch the resolutions. Let’s try intentions instead.

What’s the difference between resolutions and intentions?

Intentions and resolutions are way different. 

Resolutions are goals—static and set in the future. A goal is a specific, measurable outcome. Once you’ve achieved it, you check it off the to-do list and move on to the next one. 

Intentions, on the other hand, are ongoing, dynamic, and in-the-moment. They’re about how you’re being and how that can help you reach those more static goals. 

Setting intentions helps empower us to decide not only what we want to do, but  also who we want to be! It stops the cycle of letting the days, weeks, and months just happen to us. Rather, we now get to decide the direction we want to go.

For example, the classic New Year’s resolution is to go to the gym. You start going a couple times a week, every week, for the whole month of January. Hooray! Then, you get sick. Then you have to stay late at work. Then the kids have basketball practice. Suddenly, it’s been three months since you’ve stepped foot on a treadmill. Boooo!

Instead of setting this static, all-or-nothing goal of “going to the gym,” try setting an intention for health. This acts more like a GPS, giving you a course for all your decisions throughout the day. You could eat a little healthier, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or walk the dog after work. All of these are guiding you in the direction of your intention for health.

If you think setting intentions is a little out there, that’s okay! But let’s open our minds and do this together.

Here are 9 tips for setting and keeping meaningful intentions in the new year.

#1 Clarify your desire.

Most people stop at the tangible thing they want as a result of setting their intention—buying a new car, getting a promotion, reading a book a month, and more. But in order to truly set a dynamic intention, dig a little deeper for the feeling behind your wants.

On the surface, you’re looking for a raise. But when you dig a little deeper, you notice it’s more about your desire to be recognized for all the hard work you do. By identifying this feeling, you can set a clearer intention.

Example: I intend to recognize and validate my hard work.

#2 Think about positive personality traits.

Goals are about doing or getting. Intentions are about being. Once you focus on who you need to be—the qualities you need to embody—doing what you need to, to achieve your goal becomes easier. Write down the personality traits you’d like to see as a result of your intention, and make those a priority in your day-to-day.

Example: I intend to view myself through a lens of self-love and compassion.

#3 Choose words that activate you.

Manifestation Coach Jessica Estrada says, “Words are downright powerful… The language and the exact words you put out there matter.” So, take some time to carefully craft your intention. Make sure the  words really reach you in a deep and meaningful way. Allow them to energize and motivate you!

For example, “I want to work out everyday,” is boring. “I intend to move my body every day in ways that are fun and healthful” has so much more pizazz. When breaking a sweat at the gym, you’ll be more motivated by the second intention than the first. 

Example: Instead of, “I intend to be more confident,” try, “I intend to embody the version of myself that’s already achieved my goals.”

#4 State your intention in the positive.

Our minds hate negatives like not, can’t, and won’t. Instead of saying, “I won’t spend so much time on my phone,” try an intention like, “I’ll connect with my friends off social media.” See (and feel) the difference?

Example: I intend to do more of what lights me up.

#5 Lean on gratitude.

Expert Kelsey Patel says, “…if you’re always just wanting and wanting and wanting—and not finding the peace or gratitude in your life—you’re in a constant state of scarcity.” Intentions aren’t supposed to be stressful, always nagging you about what you “should” be accomplishing. They should serve as encouragement and direction in your life. So, if you find yourself worrying, lean on gratitude to get you back in the right mindset. 

#6 Keep yourself accountable!

Goals and intentions aren’t mutually exclusive. They actually work even better together! In order to make good on your intentions and ensure you’re going in the direction you want, set a couple of goals at the beginning of each week. These smaller, actionable items connect to your overall intention and help you stay on track. 

#7 Find a friend.

Another way to hold yourself accountable to your intentions is to share them with a friend. This can help keep you focused and encouraged when things get tough. Your buddy can also gently point out when you’ve fallen off your intended path. We love a good accountability partner. Find one for yourself for the most success.

#8 Create a ritual.

You can also make intentions an every-morning activity by starting your day with an intention-focused meditation. Try this each morning before you get out of bed:

  1. Put your hand on your heart and take a few deep breaths.

  2. Connect with your body and notice any sensations—good and not-so-good—you’re feeling.

  3. Send love to yourself with a positive, self-compassionate statement like, “I am worthy,” or “I am powerful.”

  4. Send love to the day, saying something like, “Today will be positive,” or “Today will be productive.”

  5. Set your intention for the day. It could sound like, “Today I will focus on my mental health,” or “Today I intend to make taking breaks a priority.”

Siiiiiigh. So peaceful!

#9 Celebrate the wins and give grace for the “fails.”

When you actively work inside your intentions, celebrate it! You’re growing and making strides! And when you get off track, have some self-compassion. Then, start again. We’re all human. We all make mistakes and get off course. You’ve got this!

What about real estate?

If growing your financial future is on your intentions list, real estate might be the answer. Book a Discovery Meeting today to get the skinny on all things buying, selling, and investing.


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