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6 Ways to Save the Planet During Your Next Home Remodel

Remodeling can S-U-C-K. It’s time-consuming, expensive, and complicated. But the uniquely you result is almost always worth the hassle.

Well… except when it comes to the environment.

How Remodeling Hurts Planet Earth

So, here’s the bad news: Like many things we do as human beings, remodeling can wreak havoc on the planet.

It turns out lots of stuff in our homes is pretty toxic. For example, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are chemicals found in almost everything we use to build and maintain our homes. That includes:

  • Paints

  • Varnishes

  • Caulks

  • Adhesives

  • Carpet

  • Vinyl flooring

  • Composite wood products

  • Upholstery

  • Foam

As these materials slowly break down, they release, or “off-gas,” their VOCs into the air. That stuff’s terrible for our bodies and has been linked to headaches, fatigue, skin issues, and even kidney and liver damage.

VOCs are awful for the earth, too—especially in regard to remodeling projects. When our discarded carpet, furniture, and cabinets head off to the landfill, those nasty VOCs mix with all the other harmful gasses from our regular garbage. (That’s right, friends. Your old flooring and that nasty couch you’ve had since college might be contributing to the climate change crisis. Ugh.)

And that’s not even half of it! During the remodeling process, newly harvested and wasted materials and construction waste and debris also have a negative impact on our planet. 

It’s time to remodel with Mama Earth in mind.

6 Ways to Sustainably Remodel Your Home

#1 Reduce, reuse, recycle!

New doesn’t mean best! Repurposing items and materials already in your home cuts down on waste. It also prevents purchasing new items, which saves natural resources and reduces the emissions from the sourcing, manufacturing, and transportation process.

Start with these ideas:

  • Walk through your home and decide what you can keep and reuse. Light fixtures, molding, cabinets, and doors are easily repurposed throughout a home. 

  • Get reclaimed wood for a more sustainable (and money-saving!) choice. 

  • Check out a local salvaged building supply store for used hardware, plumbing, cabinetry, appliances, and countertops. 

  • Browse your local antique shop for unique door knobs, light fixtures, and more!

#2 Reface, don’t replace.

Painting is one of the most inexpensive, convenient, and effective ways to spruce up a space. Instead of getting rid of your cabinets, consider a quick repaint. Or try some different hardware. The possibilities are endless!

#3 Avoid VOCs. Obvi.

VOCs are most commonly found in paints, varnishes, caulks, and other building materials. When remodeling, choose VOC-free alternatives to your favorite brands. For paint, try a water-based brand instead of an oil-based one. We promise it’ll still do the trick!

#4 Shop local.

Shopping local not only saves on shipping, but it also reduces the emissions that happen during transportation. Buying local is always the way to go—from saving money to supporting local businesses to saving the planet!

#5 Dispose of your materials properly.

Remodeling can produce a ton of waste. It’s important to dispose of all this trash as safely and sustainably as possible.

For example, if you don’t use an entire gallon of paint don’t pour it down the drain! Even if it’s a water-based paint, it still has chemicals that can affect the local water supply and wildlife. Instead, leave the can open, and let the paint fully harden. Or, mix the paint with cat litter to speed up the process. Then, throw it in the garbage.

Disposing can also mean donating! First, try donating your fixtures to Habitat for Humanity! Not only do they repurpose some materials in their own homes, but they also sell many donations with 100% of the proceeds going back into building new homes. 

Don’t feel like hauling your stuff to Habitat? Your crafty friends might want your old cabinets. A salvage yard may take your old flooring. Some rando on Facebook Marketplace might be overjoyed by your green plush carpet. (Just be careful, mkay?) 

#6 Buy sustainably.

When you inevitably purchase some new building materials, fixtures, appliances, and furniture, choose the most sustainable option you can! 

  • Energy-efficient appliances

  • High-efficiency insulation

  • Solar technology

  • Rainwater collection systems

  • Rock panel backsplashes

  • Low-flow faucet and showerheads

  • Smart thermostats

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