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6 Reasons to Eat More Plants

Why Adding Veggies is Good for You and Mama Earth

Bacon. Need we say more?

For the meat-eaters out there (like us), it can be hard to imagine a life without our favorite meals: hamburgers, steaks, and fried chicken. But here’s the thing: Eating meat isn’t all that great for our bodies or for our planet.

And while you don’t have to go completely vegan or vegetarian, there are some compelling reasons to add more veg to your plate.

6 Reasons to Swap Meat for Veg

#1 It’s waaaaaaaay better for your health.

A plant-based diet high in fruits, veggies, grains, beans, legumes, and nuts is so.much.better for your body than fueling up on meat. You’ll bulk up on fiber, vitamins, and minerals. You’ll (probably) eat less calories and fat. And you’ll mitigate your risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. You may also experience improved immunity, lower weight, lower cholesterol, improved digestion, and better skin!

#2 You’ll still get your protein.

One of the biggest arguments against plant-based diets is that they’re low in protein. But that’s a total myth! In reality, we eat more protein than we need when consuming meat. You only need about 5 ½ ounces of protein per day, which can be easily achieved with a balance of eggs, yogurt, cheese, beans, peas, soy products, nuts, and seeds. 

Try more variety in your diet! Your body (and the planet) will thank you.

#3 Stop contributing to global warming.

Meat and dairy companies are on track to become the world’s largest climate change contributor. In addition to conserving water, composting, and taking public transportation, eating more plant-based can help our environment. 

Eating less animal products:

  • Decreases greenhouse gas emissions, directly improving our climate.

  • Reduces water consumption, allowing access to more and better-quality H2O.

  • Minimizes agricultural land use, leaving more room for nature to do its thing.

  • Lessens waste production, keeping our planet greener.

And we can all do our part by getting more veg (and less meat) on our plates. A systematic review of the sustainability of different diets found that pescatarian, vegetarian, and vegan diets could cut greenhouse gas production by 80%. It’s worth a shot!

#4 Prevent animal cruelty.

The commercial meat industry is full of inhumane practices. Animals raised for slaughter often live in terrible conditions, riddled with diseases and restricted in their movement. Poultry is often genetically modified to produce breasts so large they have trouble standing! Cows suffer tremendously when their calves are taken away. Gross, gross, gross! Adding more veggies to our plates means these companies get less business. It’s time to vote with our dollars, friends.

#5 Veg-friendly meals are everywhere.

A decade ago, your meat substitutes were limited to things that looked weird, smelled weird, and tasted weird. Now, you have Beyond Burgers and Impossible—alternatives that look, taste, and cook like real meat! They’re now offered at most chain grocery stores, or you can run to Burger King where the Impossible Whopper is a staple on their menu. And they all taste better knowing you’re doing your part for Mother Earth.

#6 It’s less expensive.

Another common argument against adding more veggies to your plate is the expense. We often think of going vegan as an elite activity for those who exclusively shop at Whole Foods. But, in a study that tracked 1,100 meat versus non-meat eaters, the authors found that people who skipped the meat saved an average of $23 on their monthly grocery bills! And especially as inflation causes all our expenses to rise, meat is likely to be the most expensive item in your shopping cart. So give your wallet a break and eat less meat. 

9 Tips to Eat Meat More Sustainably

Okay, we know going vegan or vegetarian just isn’t realistic for some folks. Especially not all at once. And that’s okay! Every little change can help your body and the planet.

So, in the spirit of taking it one small step at a time, try these tips to consume your favorite meat products a little more sustainably:

  • Leave red meat on the shelf.

  • Choose seafood wisely, like avoiding trawling practices.

  • Buy local, pasture-raised meats.

  • Try Meatless Mondays.

  • Use meat for flavor, not for sustenance.

  • Be mindful of where your plant-based foods come from.

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